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Vlad Pasca👨‍💻
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5 habits every developer should adopt!

A thread🧵


  1. Don't repeat yourself

This habit is based on DRY.

The “Don't Repeat Yourself” principle is a software development practice aimed at reducing the repetition of information.

So when you have a piece of code that repeats in your codebase try to put that into a function.

  1. Code every day

This is so important especially if you're learning how to code

Typing some code for as little as 15 minutes every day can increase your skills a lot faster

And by developing this habit you won't rely on motivation

  1. Never stop learning

Being a developer is a lifelong learning journey

The worst thing you can do as a developer is to stop learning new technologies

This field evolves so fast and you need to keep up with it

  1. Think before you write code

Don't just write code without having a solution in mind

Start by thinking about the solution for the problem you want to solve and only after that start to write it

This will save you a lot of time down the road

  1. Avoid burnout

Listen to your body

When you feel like you need some rest take a break

Burning out == at least a few weeks of no code

A small break from time to time can help you avoid this

The end of this thread🧵

Thanks for reading, I hope you found it useful.

And if you did make sure you follow me on Twitter @VladPasca5 for more for more tweets about improving as a developer, web development, and coding in general.

What habits would you add to this list?👇

  1. " I'll add the habit of looking for solutions.

As a developer, you need to develop the habit of enjoying solving problems because you still have more bugs ahead. " - @iamajibolasegun

"Take some rest. I have learnt it the hard way especially in my current path as am teaching myself to code plus concentrating on learning one new technology at a time. I have dropped the bad habit of learning many technologies before I gain confidence in one" - @tracy_nuwagaba

"Also, make a habit of creating relationships at work. Talk about other things rather than only work." @rmcomplexity

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