6 GitHub repositories will make you a standout developer from 99% of people:
An open-source real-time data processing platform.
• Message broker
• Schema Management
• Zero ops
• Cloud-native
• Rapid development
• Significantly lower development time
🔗 https://github.com/memphisdev/memphis-broker
Making sense of web3 & crypto. Introduction to key concepts and ideas. Rigorous, constructive analysis of key claims pro and con. A look at the deeper hopes and aspirations.
🔗 https://github.com/life-itself/web3
Some useful websites for programmers.
🔗 https://github.com/sdmg15/Best-websites-a-programmer-should-visit
A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development
🔗 https://github.com/public-apis/public-apis
A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects to be applied to links, buttons, logos, SVG, featured images and so on.
🔗 https://github.com/IanLunn/Hover
A curated list of software and architecture-related design patterns.
🔗 https://github.com/DovAmir/awesome-design-patterns
Feel free to add more excellent GitHub repo. And follow @Prathkum 😁