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60+ JavaScript Interview Questions

Level: Beginner and, Medium Topics:

➊ Basics about Arrays

➋ Array Properties

➌ Array Methods

➍ Looping through Arrays

➎ Array related Operators

➏ Common Array Operations

➐ Comparison of Terms

➊ Basics about Arrays

➀ Describe an Array from JavaScript perspective.

➁ What is Array Literal?

➂ Explain about +ve and -ve indexes in an Array.

➃ What is Array's type?

➄ What is an Array-Like object?

➅ Which Array operations can be done on an Array-Like object?

➆ What is a sparse array and, a dense array?

➇ How to detect a sparse array?

➈ How is a sparse array formed?

➉ Describe the looping behaviour for a sparse array.

➋ Array Properties

➀ How to find the size of an array?

➁ How to create an array of a given size?

➂ Is the array in JavaScript static-sized or dynamic-sized?

➃ Is "length" a mutable property?


➃ Can "length" of an array be changed manually?

➄ What does happen when "length" is reduced?

➅ What will happen when "length" is increased?

➆ How to remove elements from the end of an array by manipulating the "length" property?

➌ Array Methods

➀ Which methods of Array.prototype accepts -ve indexes?

➁ How to do deep-level flat operation?

✧✧ Which method will you use to

➂ find the first element of an array that matches a condition

➃ find if an array has an element that matches a condition

➄ fetch an element using negative index

➅ insert multiple elements at the end of an array

➆ insert multiple elements at the starting of an array

➇ remove multiple elements at the starting of an array

➈ remove multiple elements at the end of an array

➉ insert multiple elements at an index after removing multiple elements from the same index

➀➀ populate all indexes with the same value

➀➁ retrieve a sub-array between 2 indices

➀➂ copy an array

➀➃ convert an array-like object to array

➍ Looping through Arrays

➀ Between for...in and for...of, which is more suitable for an Array to loop through?

➁ Mention all Array.prototype methods which loop through the array.

➂ How is a sparse array looped? Describe for different looping methods.

➎ Array related Operators

➀ What is destructuring assignment for arrays?

➁ What is rest parameter inside destructuring assignment?

➂ Which is valid? [a, b, ...c], [a, ...b, c]

➃ Explain how spread operator operates.

➄ Swap 2 numbers using Array Destructuring.

➏ Common Array Operations

➀ Insert an element into an array at starting/ending/any position by not mutating the original.

➁ Update an element of an array at starting/ending/any position by not mutating the original.

➂ Delete an element from an array at starting/ending/any position by not mutating the original.

➃ Insert and delete an element into/from an array at starting/ending/any position by using splice()

➄ Create a copy of an array using spread operator syntax.

➅ Merge 2 or, more arrays using concat()

➆ Merge 2 or, more arrays using flat()

➇ Merge 2 or, more arrays using spread operator syntax

➈ Find the sum of all elements in an array using reduce()

➉ Shuffle elements of an array

➐ Comparison of Terms

Mention the difference between

➀ "Array()" and "new Array()"

➁ Single and Multiple parameter Array()

➂ Array.of() and Array.from()

➃ find() and filter()

➄ findIndex() and indexOf()

➅ includes() and some()

➆ some() and every()

➇ map() and flatMap()

➈ slice() and splice()

➉ forEach() and map()

➀➀ forEach() and for...of

➀➁ shift() and pop()

➀➂ unshift() and push()

➀➃ reduce() and reduceRight()

🚥 Disclaimer

⬘ Few questions covered here are already shared by me.

⬗ Don't assume that only these types of questions are asked during interviews.

⬙ For interviews, you should have fundamentals strong. And you should be able to provide solutions to practical problems.

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➠ Databases

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