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Bryan Irace
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This recent @instagram change–replacing photos that you’ve already seen from those that you follow with misc. algorithmic trash–is so user-hostile that numerous family members who never think twice about software UX have independently asked me what happened to their apps

One didn’t even notice the “View Older Posts” button, despite it being front and center. Just that photos of e.g. his grandkids were overnight replaced with nonsense.

I get that this is a natural consequence of most consumers just not valuing software very highly. Those who object would also balk at paying for Instagram, despite how much enjoyment they get from it. I personally implemented plenty of junk just like this when I worked at @tumblr

It’s a wide-reaching problem that goes well beyond this relatively benign example. Many far worse symptoms of “software/news/content = not worth paying for.”

But let’s call it what it is anyway. Instagram intentionally made their app objectively worse for you because they can.

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